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Apr 2, 2014

Board Minutes 02/29/2014


DOWNLOAD Board Meeting Minutes 2/19/14 PDF 
Board Voting Members Present:
Mr. Chauncy Buchheit, Southeast Missouri Regional Planning & Economic Development
Mr. Charlie Herbst, Cape Girardeau County
Mr. Scott Meyer, City of Cape Girardeau
Mr. Tom Mogelnicki, Cape Girardeau County Transit Authority
Mr. Harry Rediger, City of Cape Girardeau
Mr. Jim Roach, City of Jackson
Board Ex-Officio Members Present:
Mr. Dan Overbey, Southeast Missouri Regional Port Authority
Mr. Matt Seiler, Missouri Department of Transportation
Ms. Betsy Tracy, Federal Highway Administration (via conference call)
Technical Planning Committee Members Present:
Mr. Drew Christian, Southeast Missouri Regional Planning & Economic Development
Ms. Beth Glaus, Southeast Missouri State University – Transit
Mr. Brian Okenfuss, Missouri Department of Transportation
Mr. Larry Payne, Cape Girardeau Area Chamber of Commerce (Transportation
Mrs. Kelley Watson, Cape Girardeau County Transit Authority
Staff Present:
Ms. Molly Hood, City of Cape Girardeau
Mr. Ryan Shrimplin, City of Cape Girardeau

Call to Order
Chairman Buchheit called the meeting to order at 2:03 p.m.

The group went around the room, with each person giving a brief introduction. Beth Glaus was
introduced as a representative of Southeast Missouri State University’s Transit Office.
Southeast Metropolitan Planning Organization

Public Comments
There were no public comments.

Adoption of Agenda
The February 19, 2014 Board Meeting Agenda was unanimously approved for adoption upon
motion made by Mr. Mogelnicki and seconded by Mr. Roach.

The minutes of the January 15, 2014 Board Meeting were unanimously approved upon motion
made by Mr. Roach and seconded by Mr. Rediger.

Communications from the Chairman
There were no communications from the Chairman.

New/Unfinished Business
Chairman Buchheit presented Resolution No. 2014-01, A Resolution amending the FY 2014-
2017 Interim Transportation Improvement Program. Mr. Shrimplin explained that the
MoDOT Southeast District Office recently identified two pavement repair projects that were
accidentally omitted from the document because the locations referenced originally did not
appear to fall within SEMPO’s boundary. The projects have been added as TIP Project
Numbers M-14-11 and M-14-12. The proposed amended document was posted on the website
for public comment last month. The Technical Planning Committee passed a motion
recommending approval of the proposed amended document on February 10, 2014. Mr. Meyer
made a motion to approve Resolution No. 2014-01. Mr. Mogelnicki seconded the motion. The
motion passed by a vote of 6 in favor, 0 in opposition, and 0 abstaining.
Mr. Shrimplin presented the initiative petition process scope of services document that Jeff
Glenn presented to the Technical Planning Committee on February 10, 2014. Per the
document, the first task is to develop a prioritization assessment process and submit it to
MoDOT by the February 28, 2014 deadline. The second task is to conduct outreach meetings in
March for key transportation stakeholders, facilitated by the consulting team. A list of the
stakeholders will be prepared, and notice of the meeting provided via SEMPO’s website, social
media, and other means. The third task is to solicit ranked value propositions from stakeholders
though an online survey (“Important to Us”) conducted in March. The consulting team will then
take the information obtained from the survey and develop a scoring tool for the Technical
Planning Committee. In early April, the consulting team will present the results and the
weighting criteria for the scoring tool. The Committee members will then utilize the scoring tool
to assign a score to each project in the project list. In late April, the Committee will meet to
prioritize the list and recommend approval to the Board of Directors. The Board will then meet
later that day to approve the final prioritized list for submission to MoDOT by the April 30, 2014
deadline. In order to meet this schedule, the Technical Planning Committee agreed to hold two
meetings in April. The first meeting will be held on April 9, 2014 with the second meeting to be
held on April 23, 2014. Mr. Shrimplin explained that the Board would also need to meet on April
23, after the Technical Planning Committee meeting, to approve the final prioritized
Southeast Metropolitan Planning Organization transportation project list for release to MoDOT. The Board agreed to hold a meeting on April 23, 2014 starting at 1:30 p.m. The Technical Planning Committee passed a motion
recommending approval of the scope of services document on February 10, 2014. Chairman
Buchheit stated that this same process is proposed for the SEMO RPC, who shared the
document with the stakeholders for input. Mr. Seiler stated that since the process is the same
for both organizations, SEMPO does not need to solicit stakeholder input as well. Mr. Roach
made a motion to approve the scope of services document submitted by Jeff Glenn for
developing a final prioritized transportation project list. Mr. Rediger seconded the motion. The
motion passed by a vote of 6 in favor, 0 in opposition, and 0 abstaining.
Mr. Shrimplin presented a tentative schedule for upcoming meetings and tasks. Between now
and July, SEMPO will be working on finalizing the Title VI Program, the Public Participation
Plan, the FY 2015 Unified Planning Work Program, and working on a draft of the Metropolitan
Transportation Plan (formerly the Long Range Transportation Plan), in addition to developing
the final prioritized transportation project list for the initiative petition.

Other Communications
Each person shared an update on their organization. Mr. Overbey explained that the Interim
TIP currently shows zero dollar amounts for the Southeast Missouri Regional Port Authority
projects. The reason for this is because the Port Authority’s projects and priorities change
frequently based on user needs, and as such the Port Authority typically applies for grants on
short notice. Funding typically comes from various sources, which also poses challenges in
getting committed projects for the TIP. Ms. Tracy emphasized that the TIP only includes fiscally
constrained projects (i.e. funding awarded).
Mr. Seiler stated that the initiative petition ballot was voted out of the House Committee to go to
the floor. He thanked SEMPO for its work on assisting MoDOT with developing a prioritized
transportation project list.
Mr. Seiler stated that the Freight Forum has been rescheduled for February 25, 2014 at 9:00
a.m. The meeting has moved to the MoDOT Southeast District Office in Sikeston.
Mrs. Watson stated that the FTA Region VII Office in Kansas City has requested that SEMPO
submit a letter explaining that the Cape Girardeau County Transit Authority (CGCTA) is a
primary recipient of FTA Section 5307 funds, with Southeast Missouri State University as a subrecipient.
The letter must also include the ratio of disbursement and the amounts. She will
provide Mr. Shrimplin with a copy of the Memorandum of Understanding between the CGCTA
and the University to use in preparing the letter.

Upon motion made by Mr. Rediger, seconded by Mr. Mogelnicki, the meeting was adjourned
unanimously at 2:51 p.m.