Archive for February 2014
March 14 Public Meetings for Statewide Transportation Planning
SOUTHEAST METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION HOSTING PUBLIC MEETINGS TO OBTAIN INPUT FOR STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION PLANNING PROCESS The Southeast Metropolitan Planning Organization (SEMPO) will host two public meetings to discuss transportation planning. Transportation stakeholders and the general public are invited to attend these meetings to share their ideas for needed transportation projects. Meeting attendees will have an…
Read MoreBoard Minutes 01/15/2014
SEMPO Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Download Full PDF Minutes Mr. Jeff Glenn explained that Glennview Strategies is part of a multi-firm facilitation team that has been retained by MoDOT to assist MPO’s and RPC’s with developing and implementing a process for creating a prioritized transportation project list as required by the initiative petition for…
Read MoreLatest 2014-2017 Interim Transportation Improvement Program amendments
On February 19, 2014, the Board of Directors approved the proposed amendments to the FY 2014-2017 Interim Transportation Improvement Program. FY 2014-2017 Interim Transportation Improvement Program: SEMPO_TIP_FY 2014-2017_Amended Feb 19, 2014 SEMPO_TIP_FY 2014-2017_Adopted
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BOARD OF DIRECTORS AGENDA WEDNESDAY, February 19, 2014 2:00 P.M. – Osage Centre Download Agenda PDF Call to Order Introduction of Guests/Visitors Public Comments Adoption of Agenda Approval of Minutes of January 15, 2014 Meeting Communications from the Chairman New/Unfinished Business RESOLUTION NO. 2014-01, A Resolution amending the FY 2014-2017 Interim Transportation Improvement Program. Reading…
NOTICE OF DRAFT FY 2014-2017 TITLE VI PROGRAM – The Southeast Metropolitan Planning Organization is in the process of developing the FY 2014-2017 Title VI Program as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. An in-progress draft of the document has been posted for public review. Please direct all questions and…
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