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Feb 20, 2014
Board Minutes 01/15/2014
SEMPO Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
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Mr. Jeff Glenn explained that Glennview Strategies is part of a multi-firm facilitation team that
has been retained by MoDOT to assist MPO’s and RPC’s with developing and implementing a process for creating a prioritized transportation project list as required by the initiative petition
for the proposed 1% sales tax. The process must be inclusive, transparent and accountable. It
must also address the needs of all modes of transportation. He then reviewed the schedule for
the list. Each MPO and RPC must submit its proposed process to MoDOT by February 28th
Outreach meetings are to be held in February and/or March. By April 30th, each MPO and RPC
must submit its prioritized transportation project list to MoDOT. He added that the process must
reflect the four goals from the On the Move initiative: Maintenance, Safety, Economic
development, and Connections and choices. MPO’s and RPC’s may establish additional goals.
In response to a question from Chairman Buchheit, Mr. Glenn stated that the next step is for his
team to submit a proposal to the SEMPO staff. Once the proposal is accepted, his team will
work with the staff and the Technical Planning Committee to get started. Mr. Meyer clarified
that SEMPO’s participation in the process is not an endorsement of the proposed tax by
SEMPO or its members.
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