Interactive Map Gallery
The Southeast Metropolitan Planning Organization utilizes Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to offer interactive maps to the public, fostering transparency, community engagement, and informed decision-making, while also supporting emergency planning, local businesses, and environmental initiatives.
Cape Girardeau County Transit Authority
Cape Girardeau County Transit Authority Transit Routes.
Pedestrian & Recreation
Pedestrian and recreation accommodations within the SEMPO MPA.
Community Land Use
Land use and zoning classifications within the SEMPO metropolitan planning area.
Roadway Classifications
Local Roads, Major Collectors, Minor Arterial, Minor Collector, Principal Arterial, Interstate, and Freeways.
Roadway Safety & Traffic
Roadway crashes, injuries, fatalities, and high accident locations.
MPO & RPC Boundaries
Statewide MPO and RPC Boundaries and locations.
Electric Utility Providers
Electric company utility providers within the SEMPO region.
Traffic Counts
MoDOT Average Annual Daily Traffic Counts.
SS4A Interactive Story Map
Interactive map displaying SEMPO planning area crash history, high-injury network, and prioritization of projects.
City of Cape Girardeau Public Info
Public information including voting districts, schools, ward boundaries, etc.