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Board Minutes 03/16/2016

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March 16, 2016

Osage Centre – Cape Girardeau

Board Voting Members Present:

Mr. Chauncy Buchheit, Southeast Missouri Regional Planning & Economic Development       Commission (SEMO RPC)

Mr. Dwain Hahs, City of Jackson

Mr. Charlie Herbst, Cape Girardeau County

Mr. Scott Meyer, City of Cape Girardeau

Mr. Tom Mogelnicki, Cape Girardeau County Transit Authority (CTA)

Mr. Harry Rediger, City of Cape Girardeau

Mr. Jim Roach, City of Jackson

Board Ex-Officio Members Present:

Mr. Mike Brandon, Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT)

Mrs. Beth Glaus, Southeast Missouri State University

Mr. Mike Latuszek, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)(via conference call)

Technical Planning Committee Members Present:

Mr. Drew Christian, Southeast Missouri Regional Planning & Economic Development


Mr. Curtis Jones, Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT)

Mr. Joe Killian, Missouri Department of Transportation

Mr. John Mehner, Cape Girardeau Area MAGNET

Mr. Brian Okenfuss, Missouri Department of Transportation

Staff Present:

Mr. Ryan Shrimplin, City of Cape Girardeau

Call to Order

Chairman Buchheit called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.


The group went around the room, with each person giving a brief introduction.

Public Comments

There were no public comments.

Adoption of Agenda

The agenda of the March 16, 2016 Board of Directors Meeting was unanimously approved for adoption upon motion made by Mr. Mogelnicki and seconded by Mr. Hahs.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the February 17, 2016 Board of Directors Meeting were unanimously approved upon motion made by Mr. Rediger and seconded by Mr. Mogelnicki.

Communications from the Chairman

There were no communications from the Chairman.

New/Unfinished Business

Mr. Kevin Priester and Mr. Jacob Meuth with Alliance Water Resources gave a presentation on the services Alliance offers, including water system management and GIS (geographic information systems).

Mr. Shrimplin stated that per the agreed upon schedule for the FY 2017 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), the Board needs to set a date for the public hearing.  Mr. Meyer made a motion to set the public hearing on the FY 2017 Unified Planning Work Program for May 18, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. at the Osage Centre.  Mr. Roach seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Chairman Buchheit asked if the 2016-2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) and the FY 2016-2019 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) were approved by the deadline established by the federal regulations.  Mr. Shrimplin replied that both documents were approved by the deadline.

Member Reports

Mr. Rediger stated the City of Cape Girardeau’s proposed vehicle sales tax renewal and use tax issues will be on the April 5, 2016 ballot.  On that same ballot will be the election of two ward representatives to the City Council.   Also, the City is holding a public meeting tonight regarding the upcoming Neighborhood Street Repair projects.  He recently attended a conference in Washington, DC for the Mississippi River Cities and Towns Initiative.

Mr. Hahs indicated the City of Jackson is also proposing a use tax on its ballot.  In addition, several transportation projects will be starting soon, including concrete street repairs, the new roundabout at US-61 and East Main Street, and the US-61/MO-34/MO-25 railroad crossing improvements.

Mr. Herbst reported that he attended the Delta Regional Authority’s disaster recovery and economic resilience training course.  He also reported that Cape Girardeau County will be paving roads this summer.

Mr. Mogelnicki stated the CTA has officially stopped providing Greyhound bus ticketing services.

Mr. Okenfuss gave updates on several MoDOT construction projects, including the pavement repairs at Center Junction (MoDOT to do scoping once the STIP is released), the new roundabout at US-61 and East Main Street in Jackson (bids to be opened later in the month), cable stay anchors on the Bill Emerson Memorial Bridge, and the ADA improvements to the sidewalk on US-61 in Jackson.

Mr. Jones indicated IDOT is in the process of reviewing each MPO’s UPWP.  He also announced that IDOT has hired Holly Ostdick as Section Chief for the Metropolitan Planning Section.

Chairman Buchheit announced the next meeting of the SEMO RPC’s Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) is April 13, 2016.

Other Business and Communications

Chairman Buchheit asked when the next Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) cycle begins.  Mr. Killian replied that MoDOT will begin accepting applications next September or October.


Upon motion made by Mr. Mogelnicki, seconded by Mr. Rediger, the meeting was adjourned unanimously at 3:00 p.m.