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TPC Minutes 01/04/2017
January 4, 2017
Osage Centre – Cape Girardeau
Technical Planning Committee Members Present:
Mrs. Elquin Auala, Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT)
Mr. David Blalock, Bootheel Regional Planning & Economic Development Commission (Bootheel RPC)
Mr. Rodney Bollinger, City of Jackson
Mr. Drew Christian, Southeast Missouri Regional Planning & Economic Development Commission (SEMO RPC)
Mr. Curtis Jones, Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT)
Mr. Jared Jurnigan, Missouri Department of Transportation
Mr. Joe Killian, Missouri Department of Transportation
Mr. Bruce Loy, Cape Girardeau Regional Airport
Mr. John Mehner, Cape Girardeau Area MAGNET
Mr. Brian Okenfuss, Missouri Department of Transportation
Mr. Larry Payne, Cape Girardeau Area Chamber of Commerce Transportation Committee
Mrs. Betsy Tracy, Federal Highway Administration (via conference call)
Ms. Janette Vomund, Missouri Department of Transportation (via conference call)
Mrs. Eva Voss, Missouri Department of Transportation (via conference call)
Mrs. Kelley Watson, Cape Girardeau County Transit Authority (CTA)
Staff Present:
Mr. Ryan Shrimplin, City of Cape Girardeau
Mrs. Kelly Green, KLG Engineering
Call to Order
Chairman Payne called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m.
The group went around the room, with each person giving a brief introduction.
Public Comments
There were no public comments.
Adoption of Agenda
The agenda of the January 4, 2017 Technical Planning Committee Meeting was unanimously approved for adoption upon motion made by Mr. Mehner and seconded by Mr. Bollinger.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the December 7, 2016 Technical Planning Committee Meeting were unanimously approved upon motion made by Mr. Bollinger and seconded by Mr. Christian.
Communications from the Chairman
There were no communications from the Chairman.
New/Unfinished Business
FY 2016-2019 Transportation Improvement Program Amendment No. 3 – Discussion
Mr. Christian presented Amendment No. 3 to the FY 2016-2019 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). He stated the amendment consists of one change, which is adding the City of Cape Girardeau’s Independence Street Sidewalk – Gordonville Road/East Rodney Drive to Cape LaCroix Trail Project. The project was recently selected for Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) funding. Mr. Shrimplin explained the process and stated that the TPC will need to release the amendment in February for public comment. MoDOT and ONE DOT must review the amendment first.
Contingency Project/Needs List – Discussion
Mr. Shrimplin presented an updated Contingency Project/Needs List based on input obtained at the previous meeting. The Committee provided additional updates and decided to keep the ranking as-is for now.
Member Reports
At the request of Chairman Payne, Mrs. Green gave a brief background of her professional experience and a summary of the services she will be providing for SEMPO as part of her contract with the City of Cape Girardeau.
Mr. Shrimplin gave an update on the City of Cape Girardeau’s transportation projects, including the Independence/Gordonville roundabout, Bloomfield Road Phase 5, the South Sprigg Street bridge, and Veterans Memorial Drive Phase 5.
Mr. Bollinger gave an update on the City of Jackson’s transportation projects, including the Hubble Creek Recreation Trail, the TEAP-funded study of two intersections along Main Street, an update to the Comprehensive City Wide Traffic Study, Uptown Historic District Lighting, and US 61 sidewalk and lighting improvements.
Mrs. Watson discussed the replacement fleet vehicles and new dispatch software. Mr. Loy stated that the airport’s lighting and runway rehabilitation projects are on hold until spring.
Mr. Christian mentioned that the RPC’s TAC meeting will be held on January 11, 2017. Also, he received communications that there will be a Transit Compliance Workshop on January 26, 2017 in Sikeston, MO.
Mr. Blalock stated the CDBG grant cycle for street and drainage improvements runs through the end of March.
Mr. Mehner discussed the progress on the Veterans Memorial Drive extension through the Midamerica Hotels parcel. He stated the Transportation Development District (TDD) was recently approved, but the applicants requested removal of funding for a traffic signal. The TDD Board will primarily consist of representatives of Midamerica Hotels and the City of Cape Girardeau.
Mr. Okenfuss discussed recent crash statistics and proposed legislation that is currently being discussed in Jefferson City. He also mentioned the Citizen’s Guide to Transportation Funding is now available on MoDOT’s website.
Mrs. Auala stated there were twelve TAP applications submitted for projects in MoDOT’s Southeast District and seven of those were selected.
Mr. Killian discussed the recent STIP development in process. He stated the Southeast District is working on scoping for the Exit 93 interchange.
Mr. Jones mentioned that IDOT’s Bureau Chief is retiring.
Mrs. Voss gave a reminder that SEMPO’s Listing of Federally Obligated Projects is due within 90 days of the end of each fiscal year.
Mr. Christian indicated he will get started on preparing the list.
Mrs. Voss also inquired about the status of the regional bicycle and pedestrian plan.
Mr. Shrimplin stated the City of Cape Girardeau is finalizing the on-call agreements with the selected consultants. Once this is complete, staff will select a consultant to discuss preparing a proposal for review by the TPC. If the TPC is not comfortable with the selected consultant, staff will contact another consultant and request a proposal.
Other Business and Communications
There were no other business and communications.
Upon motion made by Mr. Mehner and seconded by Mr. Killian, the Committee voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 11:45 a.m.