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TPC Minutes 02/03/2016
February 3, 2016
Osage Centre – Cape Girardeau
Technical Planning Committee Members Present:
Mr. David Blalock, Bootheel Regional Planning & Economic Development
Commission (Bootheel RPC)
Mr. Rodney Bollinger, City of Jackson
Mr. Tom Caldwell, Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT)
Mr. Drew Christian, Southeast Missouri Regional Planning & Economic Development
Commission (SEMO RPC)
Mr. Ron Eskew, City of Scott City
Mr. Curtis Jones, Illinois Department of Transportation
Mr. Joe Killian, Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT)
Mr. Bruce Loy, Cape Girardeau Regional Airport
Mr. John Mehner, Cape Girardeau Area MAGNET
Mr. Mark Phillips, Cape Special Road District
Mrs. Kelley Watson, Cape Girardeau County Transit Authority (CGCTA)
Staff Present:
Mr. Alex McElroy, City of Cape Girardeau
Mr. Ryan Shrimplin, City of Cape Girardeau
Call to Order
Chairwoman Watson called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m.
The group went around the room, with each person giving a brief introduction.
Public Comments
There were no public comments.
Adoption of Agenda
The agenda of the February 3, 2016 Technical Planning Committee Meeting was unanimously approved for adoption upon motion made by Mr. Bollinger and seconded by Mr. Phillips.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the January 6, 2016 Technical Planning Committee Meeting were unanimously approved upon motion made by Mr. Christian and seconded by Mr. Phillips.
Communications from the Chairwoman
There were no communications from the Chairwoman.
New/Unfinished Business
Mr. Christian and Mr. Shrimplin reviewed the latest revisions to the 2016-2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) and the FY 2016-2019 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Mr. Shrimplin stated both documents were released for public comment in accordance with the Public Participation Plan. In addition, the Board of Directors held a public hearing on December 16, 2015. No comments were received. Mr. Mehner made a motion to recommend adoption of the 2016-2040 MTP and the FY 2016-2019 TIP to the Board of Directors. Mr. Bollinger seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Other Business and Communications
Mr. Bollinger reported the City of Jackson recently completed over $2 million in improvements to South Old Orchard Road. The improvements included extending the road south from East Jackson Boulevard to Old Cape Road East and replacing the bridge over Williams Creek. The improvements will create development opportunities on the south side of Center Junction.
Upon motion made by Mr. Mehner and seconded by Mr. Christian, the Committee voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 11:30 a.m.