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Apr 21, 2014
TPC Minutes 03/05/14
March 5, 2014 Osage Centre – Cape Girardeau
DOWNLOAD PDF of the 3/5/14 TPC minutes copied below
Technical Planning Committee Members Present:
Mr. Mike Brandon, Missouri Department of Transportation
Mr. Tom Caldwell, Illinois Department of Transportation
Mr. Drew Christian, Southeast Missouri Regional Planning & Economic Development
Mr. Ron Eskew, City of Scott City
Mr. Joe Killian, Missouri Department of Transportation
Mr. Mike Latuszek, Federal Highway Administration (via conference call)
Mr. Brian Okenfuss, Missouri Department of Transportation
Mr. Dan Overbey, Southeast Missouri Regional Port Authority
Mr. Larry Payne, Cape Girardeau Area Chamber of Commerce (Transportation Committee)
Mr. Mark Phillips, Cape Special Road District
Mr. Bill Robinett, Missouri Department of Transportation (via conference call)
Ms. Betsy Tracy, Federal Highway Administration
Mrs. Eva Voss, Missouri Department of Transportation (via conference call)
Staff Present:
Ms. Molly Hood, City of Cape Girardeau
Mr. Ryan Shrimplin, City of Cape Girardeau
Call to Order
Chairman Payne called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m.
The group went around the room, with each person giving a brief introduction. Mike Brandon
was introduced as a Transportation Project Designer for MoDOT, who will be temporarily filling
the role previously held by Jay Lancaster.
Public Comments
There were no public comments.
Adoption of Agenda
The March 5, 2014 Technical Planning Committee Meeting Agenda was unanimously approved
for adoption upon motion made by Mr. Phillips and seconded by Mr. Eskew.
Southeast Metropolitan Planning Organization
The minutes of the February 10, 2014 Technical Planning Committee Meeting were
unanimously approved upon motion made by Mr. Overbey and seconded by Mr. Christian.
Communications from the Chairman
There were no communications from the Chairman.
New/Unfinished Business
Mr. Shrimplin presented the FY 2014-2017 Title VI Program and gave an overview of the key
components. He stated that the document has been posted on the website for public comment
since January. To provide further opportunities for public comment, he will give a presentation
on the Title VI Program at the beginning of the two outreach meetings for the initiative petition
project prioritization process, to be held on March 14, 2014. Mr. Robinett stated that MoDOT
has hired a consultant to review the Title VI Program documents submitted statewide. Mr.
Phillips made a motion to recommend approval of the FY 2014-2017 Title VI Program to
the Board of Directors for release to MoDOT. Mr. Overbey seconded the motion. The
motion passed unanimously.
Ms. Hood presented the draft Public Participation Plan and gave an overview of the key
components. Ms. Tracy stated that a 45 day minimum public comment period is required for
amendments to the Public Participation Plan, not 15 days as stated in the draft. Mr. Shrimplin
stated that staff will make the correction. Mr. Christian made a motion to recommend
approval of the draft Public Participation Plan to the Board of Directors for release for
public comment, with the noted correction. Mr. Phillips seconded the motion. The
motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Shrimplin presented an in-progress draft of the FY 2015 Unified Planning Work Program
(UPWP). He stated that the document is very similar to the FY 2014 UPWP. The Board and
TPC member lists have been updated, along with the accomplishments list. The work elements
will remain the same as last year except for the removal of work products that have been or will
be completed by the time the FY 2015 UPWP is finalized. Most of the changes will be in the
financial tables. Staff is working with MoDOT and IDOT to obtain the funding amounts for the
next fiscal year. Once these numbers are in place, the matching funds can be determined and
the budget prepared. There were no questions or comments. Mr. Shrimplin stated that staff will
continue to work on the document in the upcoming months.
Mr. Christian gave an update on the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). He stated that the
RPC is presently adding standard language, membership information, and census data. He will
be coordinating with the City of Cape Girardeau and the City of Jackson on obtaining copies of
zoning maps, land use maps, infrastructure maps, traffic accident data, and other information
that may be of use in the preparation of the MTP. He will be meeting with SEMPO staff to
select a subconsultant for the traffic demand modeling. Mr. Latuszek suggested that a
committee be formed to work on the MTP, consisting of MoDOT and IDOT, city and county
officials, transit and freight providers, the Southeast Missouri Regional Port Authority, and other
representatives who can provide information necessary for the plan. Ms. Tracy suggested
studying MTP’s by other MPO’s for ideas, such as scenario planning and performance
Other Communications
Ms. Tracy stated that $600 million will be available for the sixth round of the TIGER grant
program. Applications are due by April 28, 2014. Project submissions should emphasize multimodal
improvements, and should be ready to commence upon award. Mr. Overbey stated that
the Southeast Missouri Regional Port Authority would like to submit an application for a loop
track, but has not done so because an economic development study would be required, which
can be expensive. Chairman Payne stated that SEMPO needs to support the project.
Mr. Killian stated that the MoDOT Southeast District will be meeting with SEMPO and the RPC’s
on March 17, 2014 to discuss the initiative petition project prioritization process.
Upon motion made by Mr. Phillips and seconded by Mr. Eskew, the Committee unanimously
voted to adjourn the meeting at 11:46 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ryan Shrimplin
Acting Executive Director