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TPC Minutes 03/07/2018
March 7, 2018
Osage Centre – Cape Girardeau
Technical Planning Committee (TPC) Voting Members Present:
Mr. Rodney Bollinger, City of Jackson
Ms. Mandi Brink, Southeast Missouri Regional Port Authority (SEMO Port)
Mr. Drew Christian, Southeast Missouri Regional Planning & Economic Development
Commission (SEMO RPC)
Mr. Joe Killian, Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT)
Mr. Alex McElroy, City of Cape Girardeau
Mr. Larry Payne, Cape Girardeau County (alternate for Mr. Charlie Herbst)
Mr. Brent Stidham, Bootheel Regional Planning & Economic Development
Commission (Bootheel RPC)
Ms. Kelley Watson, Cape Girardeau County Transit Authority (CTA)
Technical Planning Committee (TPC) Non-Voting Members Present:
Mr. Michael Brandon, Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT)
Mr. Enos Han, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) – MO Division
(via teleconference)
Mr. Curtis Jones, Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) (via teleconference)
Mr. Kirk Sandfort, Southeast Missouri State University (SEMO University) (alternate for Ms. Beth Glaus)
Staff Present:
Mr. Ryan Shrimplin, City of Cape Girardeau
Program Administration/Support Consultant Present:
Ms. Kelly Green, KLG Engineering
Call to Order
Chairman Bollinger called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m.
The group went around the room, with each person giving a brief introduction.
Public Comments
There were no public comments.
Adoption of Agenda
The agenda of the March 7, 2018 Technical Planning Committee (TPC) Meeting was unanimously approved for adoption upon motion made by Mr. Payne and seconded by Mr. Christian.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the February 7, 2018 Technical Planning Committee (TPC) Meeting were unanimously approved upon motion made by Mr. McElroy and seconded by Mr. Payne.
Communications from the Chairman
There were no communications from the Chairman.
New/Unfinished Business
- FY 2016-2019 TIP Amendment No.6 – Motion to Release for Public Comment
Mr. Christian presented Amendment No. 6 to the FY 2016-2019 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP Amendment No. 6). He explained that the amendment consists of two new projects. The first project is a box culvert extension on Rte. W approximately ½ mile south of Rte. Y. The second project is the grading and construction of Harbor Lead Track 2 as part of the SEMO Port’s Loop Tracks Terminal project, which is being funded by the Delta Regional Authority. A motion was made by Mr. Payne and seconded by Mr. Christian to release FY 2016-2019 TIP Amendment No. 6 for public comment, which passed unanimously.
- FY 2019 Unified Planning Work Program – Discussion
Mr. Shrimplin presented a draft of the FY 2019 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP). He explained that the FY 2019 UPWP proposes to continue the activities in the FY 2018 UPWP except for the Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan and the Public Transit – Human Services Transportation Coordination Plan, both of which will be completed by the end of the fiscal year. A new project proposed in the FY 2019 UPWP is an ADA Self Evaluation and Transition Plan, which is anticipated to span more than one fiscal year. Ms. Green is currently gathering information on existing transition plans in Missouri in order to determine the scope of work and budget for SEMPO’s plan. Once the scope and budget are determined, the financial tables in the FY 2019 can be completed. The draft FY 2019 UPWP will be reviewed again by the TPC in April and May, with the draft being released for public comment at the May meeting. The Board of Directors has set a public hearing on the draft for May 16th. The TPC will recommend adoption and the Board will adopt the FY 2019 UPWP in June.
Member Reports
Mr. McElroy reported that the City of Cape Girardeau will soon be entering into an agreement for the 2018 LED Streetlight Conversion project. He also reported that the Independence Street traffic study is proceeding and that Bloomfield Road will have a lane closure today only.
Mr. Bollinger reported that the City of Jackson has entered into a contract with Vern Bauman Contracting to straighten the curve on Old Orchard Road. Also, the City will be opening bids for the annual concrete street repair project later this month. The new pedestrian bridge over Hubble Creek will be installed next week. The existing 40-year-old bridge will be re-used in Ste. Genevieve.
Ms. Watson reported that CTA is waiting for the FFY 18 funds to be released in order to complete its grant applications.
Ms. Brink reported that the SEMO Port has entered into an agreement with a grading contractor for a phase of the Loop Tracks Terminal project. She also reported that per a recent press release, Missouri Governor Eric Greitens is proposing to include $14.3 million in the state’s budget for infrastructure improvements at Missouri’s ports.
Mr. Christian reported that he is waiting on additional input from the transit providers before presenting the completed Public Transit – Human Services Transportation Coordination Plan to the TPC.
Mr. Stidham reported that the plant formerly owned by Noranda Aluminum will be re-opening and will create approximately 400 jobs – less than half of the number of jobs lost when the plant closed. Also, tornado recovery efforts in Malden are underway. Bootheel RPC is working with the Delta Regional Authority and the Missouri Department of Economic Development to obtain funding.
Mr. Killian explained that the next STIP will reflect more specific descriptions for certain types of projects. He has submitted the draft 2019-2023 STIP projects to Mr. Christian to include in the next TIP amendment. He added that MoDOT’s Central and Southeast Districts have been developing a timeline for STIP projects to ensure each project is properly planned in advance to account for the required approval processes.
Mr. Brandon reported that MoDOT’s Southeast District has two projects out for bid at this time. The Rte D and Rte PP projects will be let on March 16th. The East Main Street project will be let on April 20th. He also reported that Jason Williams with MoDOT will be giving a presentation on the proposed diverging diamond interchange (DDI) at I-55 and US-61.
Mr. Jones announced that the last workshop for the Competitive Freight Program will be held on March 15th. Also, IDOT is currently reviewing its PL funds carryover policy, which will likely result in changes.
Staff Report
Ms. Green stated that MoDOT has released its proposed system performance targets for bridges and pavement. She reviewed the targets and explained the underlying assumptions. Feedback and questions on the targets are due to Karen Miller with MoDOT by April 4th.
Ms. Green reported that Lochmueller Group has been making revisions to the Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan based on comments submitted by staff and the Study Oversight Team. Mr. Bollinger asked if the design for the DDI at I-55 and US-61 will have space to accommodate a trail next to the underpass, and if so, he would request that MoDOT consider constructing the trail as part of the project.
Mr. Shrimplin explained that MoDOT has prepared a Transportation Performance Management Planning Agreement to be executed by each MPO and public transportation agency. The agreement formalizes the obligations on the part of MoDOT, the MPO, and the public transportation agency or agencies with regard to collection and sharing of data and reporting on performance targets. A resolution authorizing SEMPO’s executive director to execute the agreement will be on the March 21st Board of Directors agenda. The agreement will also need to be executed by the CTA and SEMO University. The executed agreement is due to Karen Miller with MoDOT by April 20th.
Other Business and Communications
There was no other business and communications.
There being no further business, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 11:49 a.m. upon motion made by Mr. Payne and seconded by Mr. McElroy.