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Jul 2, 2015
TPC Minutes 06/03/2015
June 3, 2015
Osage Centre – Cape Girardeau
Technical Planning Committee Members Present:
Mrs. Elquin Auala, Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT)
Mr. Mike Brandon, Missouri Department of Transportation
Mr. Tom Caldwell, Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT)
Mr. Drew Christian, Southeast Missouri Regional Planning & Economic Development
Commission (SEMO RPC)
Mr. Ron Eskew, City of Scott City
Mr. Joe Killian, Missouri Department of Transportation
Mr. Mike Latuszek, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) (via conference call)
Mr. Tom Mogelnicki, Cape Girardeau County Transit Authority (CGCTA)
Mr. Larry Payne, Cape Girardeau Area Chamber of Commerce Transportation Committee
Mr. Mark Phillips, Cape Special Road District
Mr. Jeremiah Shuler, Federal Transit Authority (FTA) (via conference call)
Staff Present:
Mr. Ryan Shrimplin, City of Cape Girardeau
Call to Order
Mr. Payne called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m.
The group went around the room, with each person giving a brief introduction.
Public Comments
There were no public comments.
Adoption of Agenda
The agenda of the June 3, 2015 Technical Planning Committee Meeting was unanimously approved for adoption upon motion made by Mr. Phillips and seconded by Mr. Mogelnicki.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the May 6, 2015 Technical Planning Committee Meeting were unanimously approved upon motion made by Mr. Mogelnicki and seconded by Mr. Phillips.
Communications from the Chairman
There were no communications from the Chairman.
New/Unfinished Business
Mr. Shrimplin presented the final version of the FY 2016 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP). He stated the Board of Directors held a public hearing on the document at its May 20, 2015 meeting. No comments were received. Mr. Phillips made a motion to recommend adoption of the FY 2016 UPWP to the Board of Directors. Mr. Mogelnicki seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Christian gave an update on the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). He stated the SEMO RPC staff is finalizing the data for the travel demand forecasting. He will schedule the forecasting session soon. The forecasting team will include Mr. Christian, Ms. Hood, Mr. Bollinger, and Mr. Shrimplin. Several sections of the draft MTP have been revised, and the latest version of the document has been uploaded to the SEMPO website. He will distribute a template for use in providing information about fiscally constrained projects. He will also need illustrative projects. Both lists are to be projected out to 2040 and assume a 3% annual inflation rate.
Mr. Christian presented the latest draft of the FY 2016-2019 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The group noted some corrections that needed to be made. Mr. Christian asked for guidance on how to show information for ongoing programs that receive federal funds, such as transit operations. Mr. Latuszek indicated the TIP should show the amount to be received under each year, as well as under Prior Programming. Mr. Christian asked if the Prior Programming amount should be cumulative or just for the prior year. Mr. Latuszek replied that the amount should just be for the prior year. Mr. Shuler stressed the importance of making sure grant applications reference the correct TIP number.
Other Communications
Mr. Killian presented a map of the draft Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) project locations in the Southeast District. He stated the public comment period on the draft STIP ends June 5, 2015. He also gave an overview of the projects on the draft STIP that are in the SEMPO planning area.
Mr. Killian reported the Missouri General Assembly failed to pass a bill increasing the State’s motor fuel tax. Missouri has the 7th largest highway system in the nation, but ranks 46th in revenue spent per mile.
Mr. Shrimplin stated the Cape Girardeau City Council approved the final project list for the fifth Transportation Trust Fund (TTF 5). The tax issue will be on the August 4, 2015 ballot. A citizen committee has been established to promote the tax.
Upon motion made by Mr. Phillips and seconded by Mr. Mogelnicki, the Committee unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 11:45 a.m.