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Oct 10, 2018

TPC Minutes 07/10/2018

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 July 10, 2018

Osage Centre – Cape Girardeau, MO

Technical Planning Committee (TPC) Voting Members Present:

Ms. Hannah Barnett, Bootheel Regional Planning & Economic Development

Commission (Bootheel RPC)

Mr. Rodney Bollinger, City of Jackson

Mr. Drew Christian, Southeast Missouri Regional Planning & Economic Development

Commission (SEMO RPC)

Mr. Joe Killian, Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT)

Mr. Alex McElroy, City of Cape Girardeau

Mr. John Mehner, Cape Girardeau Area MAGNET

Mr. Larry Payne, Cape Girardeau County (alternate for Mr. Charlie Herbst)

Ms. Kelley Watson, Cape Girardeau County Transit Authority (CTA)

Technical Planning Committee (TPC) Non-Voting Members Present:

Mr. Mike Brandon, Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT)

Mr. Mark Phillips, Cape Special Road District

Mr. Cody Pullum, Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT)

Mr. Kirk Sandfort, Southeast Missouri State University (SEMO University)

Ms. Betsy Tracy, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) – IL Division

Staff Present:

Mr. Ryan Shrimplin, City of Cape Girardeau

Program Administration/Support Consultant Present:

Ms. Kelly Green, KLG Engineering

Call to Order

Chairman Bollinger called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.


The group went around the room, with each person giving a brief introduction.

Public Comments

There were no public comments.

Adoption of Agenda

The agenda of the July 10, 2018 Technical Planning Committee Meeting was unanimously approved upon motion made by Mr. Payne and seconded by Ms. Watson. 

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the June 6, 2018 Technical Planning Committee Meeting were unanimously approved upon motion made by Mr. McElroy and seconded by Mr. Mehner.

Communications from the Chairman

There were no communications from the Chairman.

New/Unfinished Business 

  • MoDOT STIP 2020-2024 – Identification and prioritization of needs/projects; motion to recommend approval 

Mr. Brandon stated that MoDOT is considering altering the template for submitting STIP requests to the Southeast District that was developed last year.  He and Mr. Killian will be meeting with representatives of SEMPO and the RPCs in the MoDOT Southeast District tomorrow to discuss further.  The TPC conducted a preliminary review of the needs/projects list from the prior year.  Mr. Shrimplin and Ms. Green indicated that they will receive clear direction after tomorrow’s meeting and also obtain input from the Cape Girardeau Regional Airport and the Southeast Missouri Regional Port Authority in order to prepare a list for this year to be reviewed at the next TPC meeting.

  • Bylaws Amendment – Discussion 

Mr. Shrimplin stated that MoDOT has requested that all of the Missouri MPOs and RPCs change any MoDOT employees who are voting members to be non-voting members.  This is necessary to ensure transparency and avoid potential conflicts of interest or the perception thereof.  He explained that MoDOT currently has a voting member on the TPC, so SEMPO’s Bylaws must be amended in order to make the change.  The TPC discussed its voting members and decided to split Cape Girardeau County/Cape Special Road District into two separate voting members and also split Cape Girardeau County Transit Authority/Southeast Missouri State University.  Mr. Shrimplin will prepare a draft amendment to be reviewed at the next TPC meeting.

Member Reports

Mr. McElroy reported that the City of Cape Girardeau’s Lexington Avenue project will be going to City Council for acceptance soon.  The Sloan Creek Bridge project is progressing as scheduled.  Bowen Engineering & Surveying is continuing the design of West End, with construction anticipated to begin in 2019.  Lappe Cement Finishing is wrapping up the 2018 Concrete Street Repair project with only three streets left to be completed.  The Broadway LED conversion has been completed.  KT Power will begin the 2018 LED Conversion project this month.

Mr. Bollinger reported that Phase 2 of the City of Jackson’s Water Bond project, awarded to Jokerst, should be completed by end of the year.  The East Main and Oak Hill Road Traffic Signal is in final design.  The City purchased one acre of right-of-way in order to align the intersection.  The City intends to have this intersection constructed prior to the construction of the diverging diamond interchange (DDI) project at I-55 and US 61.  The City’s Concrete Street Repair program has been awarded to Lappe Cement Finishing.  The City’s Asphalt Overlay program has been awarded to Jokerst.  The Jackson City Park restroom project is underway.

Mr. Phillips reported that Cape Special Road District recently completed seven miles of asphalt overlay.

Mr. Okenfuss reported that the Route D and Route PP shoulder improvement projects in Jackson will begin soon.  A small section on Route D will be closed for one week beginning on July 23rd.  October 15th is the completion date for the two routes.  The US 61 resurfacing project, from the railroad tracks in Jackson to the south end of Cape Girardeau, will begin in early August.  The contractor will start in Jackson and pave southbound.  November 1st is the completion date.  Route K in Cape Girardeau must be completed by July 1, 2019.  MoDOT has discovered joint issues on the Bill Emerson Memorial Bridge.  A contract to repair the joints has been let.  In the meantime, MoDOT has place “BUMP” signs on the bridge to warn drivers.  The bridge is scheduled for deck replacement in four to five years.  MoDOT Project Manager Jason Williams plans to give an update on the DDI project to the Board of Directors in August after the Jackson Board of Aldermen vote on the proposed access changes to US 61 as part of the project.

Mr. Killian stated that the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission (MHTC) will likely be approving the 2019-2023 STIP tomorrow.

Staff Report

Mr. Shrimplin reported that the Board of Directors passed a resolution authorizing him to negotiate and execute a contract for TIP Tool Software and Maintenance Services.  Data Transfer Solutions (DTS) received the highest score and will be asked to submit a contract for review.  Mr. Shrimplin also stated that since the new fiscal year has begun, work will begin on the tasks in the FY 2019 Unified Planning Work Program, including updating the FY 2016-2019 Transportation Improvement Program, updating the Title VI Program, and issuing an RFP for the ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan.  He mentioned that IDOT is requiring a performance management agreement similar to the one executed with MoDOT.  He edited the agreement document and sent it to Mr. Curtis Jones for IDOT review.  Once IDOT approves the document, staff will present it to the TPC for a recommendation to the Board of Directors.

Other Business and Communications

There was no other business or communications.


There being no further business, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 3:19 p.m.