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Apr 1, 2017
TPC Minutes 02/01/2017
February 1, 2017
Osage Centre – Cape Girardeau
Technical Planning Committee Members Present:
Mr. David Blalock, Bootheel Regional Planning & Economic Development
Commission (Bootheel RPC)
Mr. Rodney Bollinger, City of Jackson
Mr. Mike Brandon, Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT)
Mr. Drew Christian, Southeast Missouri Regional Planning & Economic Development
Commission (SEMO RPC)
Mr. Ron Eskew, City of Scott City
Mr. Enos Han, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)(via conference call)
Mr. Curtis Jones, Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT)
Mr. Jared Jurnigan, Missouri Department of Transportation
Mr. Joe Killian, Missouri Department of Transportation
Mr. Bruce Loy, Cape Girardeau Regional Airport
Mr. Alex McElroy, City of Cape Girardeau
Mr. John Mehner, Cape Girardeau Area MAGNET
Mr. Larry Payne, Cape Girardeau Area Chamber of Commerce Transportation Committee
Mrs. Betsy Tracy, Federal Highway Administration (via conference call)
Ms. Janette Vomund, Missouri Department of Transportation (via conference call)
Mrs. Eva Voss, Missouri Department of Transportation (via conference call)
Staff Present:
Mr. Ryan Shrimplin, City of Cape Girardeau
Mrs. Kelly Green, KLG Engineering
Call to Order
Chairman Payne called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m.
The group went around the room, with each person giving a brief introduction.
Public Comments
There were no public comments.
Adoption of Agenda
The agenda of the February 1, 2017 Technical Planning Committee Meeting was unanimously approved for adoption upon motion made by Mr. Mehner and seconded by Mr. Bollinger.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the January 4, 2017 Technical Planning Committee Meeting were unanimously approved upon motion made by Mr. Christian and seconded by Mr. Mehner.
Communications from the Chairman
There were no communications from the Chairman.
New/Unfinished Business
- FY 2016-2019 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendment No. 3 – Motion to release for public comment
Mr. Shrimplin stated no comments were received from MoDOT or ONE DOT regarding the amendment adding the City of Cape Girardeau’s Independence Street Sidewalk – Gordonville Road/East Rodney Drive to Cape LaCroix Trail Project to the TIP. Motion to release TIP Amendment No. 3 for public comment was unanimously approved upon motion made by Mr. Mehner and seconded by Mr. Bollinger.
- FY 2017 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Amendment to include Consultant Services – Discussion
Mr. Shrimplin stated the City of Cape Girardeau recently executed on-call contracts with five consulting firms: Alta Planning + Design, CBB Traffic, KLG Engineering, Lochmueller Group, and the SEMO RPC. The contracts, which authorize work for SEMPO as well as the City, were awarded upon completion of a competitive process. Staff has identified three consultants for which there is an immediate need for services:
KLG Engineering – Program administration and support
SEMO RPC – Continuation of managing of the TIP and MTP; continuation of data acquisition and maintenance; preparation of the Coordinated Public Transit – Human Services Transportation Plan
Lochmueller Group – Preparation of the Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
Mr. Shrimplin stated the FY 2017 UPWP needs to be amended to reflect the assignment of the above tasks to the respective consultants, including revising the budget. He indicated that certain budget allocations will change, but the total budget amount will not. He presented a draft showing the initial changes and stated additional work is needed before it is submitted to MoDOT and ONE DOT for formal review. Mrs. Voss indicated that she reviewed the draft and that she agrees with the proposed changes. Mr. Shrimplin stated the draft will be ready for formal review at the next TPC meeting.
Mrs. Voss stated SEMPO must comply with the CPG Agreement with regards to the consultant contracts. Mrs. Tracey stated that based on her experience with other MPO’s, it is best to involve the technical committee in the consultant selection process, even for on-call contracts. She added that the work elements in the UPWP should be aligned with the fiscal year. Mrs. Voss explained that the Missouri portion of SEMPO’s funding can be carried over for up to five years, so there is some flexibility with aligning work elements to the fiscal year.
- Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan – Discussion
Mrs. Green presented a draft proposal from Lochmueller Group for the Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. The group reviewed the draft proposal and did not have any concerns. Mr. Shrimplin suggested revising the schedule in the proposal to include the required public comment period. Mr. Payne suggested the proposal be further developed to provide more information.
- MoDOT Shouldering Needs Request – Discussion
Mr. Brandon explained that based on MoDOT’s latest financial forecast, there will be more funding available for the next STIP than anticipated. In keeping with MoDOT’s commitment to taking care of the system and making it safer, a portion of the additional funds will be used for a shouldering program. The program will have a standard scope of constructing a two-foot wide shoulder with rumble strips in certain locations. Due to time constraints, the MoDOT Southeast District needed SEMPO’s top shouldering needs prior to the TPC and Board meetings. Staff checked with SEMPO members and informed Brian Okenfuss, MoDOT Southeast District Area Engineer that the top shouldering needs for State highways in the SEMPO planning area are MO-PP and MO-D, both in Jackson.
- MoDOT Scoping STIP – Meeting at District Office in Sikeston on February 9, 2017 at 9:00 AM – Discussion
Mr. Brandon explained that in addition to the shouldering program, the MoDOT Southeast District also needs recommendations for small projects that could be funded using the additional funds. A meeting has been scheduled at the Southeast District Office on February 9th to obtain ideas from SEMPO and the RPC’s. He stated the funding is not limited to maintenance projects. Mr. Payne stated the projects ultimately selected should have the ability to enhance or grow the economy. Mrs. Green agreed to contact SEMPO members to obtain project recommendations.
Mr. Brandon also explained that MoDOT is reviving the cost share program, which will provide $10 million in the first year, $15 million in the second year, and $25 million in the third year. The program is still under evaluation and the details of how the program will be administered are still being developed.
- FTA – State of Good Repair Performance Targets Due
Mr. Killian discussed the requirements for performance measures that were established by MAP-21 and FAST Act. Mrs. Tracey stated that SEMPO can follow the State’s lead. She also stated that some of the performance measures are on hold in terms of the new rules. Mr. Killian stated that he will look into how IDOT’s data can be obtained and included in the reporting that SEMPO will be required to provide.
- Contingency Project/Needs List – Discussion
Mr. Shrimplin stated the requested changes from last month’s TPC meeting have been made. Mr. Brandon stated the “super two” design is obsolete. He noted that some of the descriptions in the list reference “super two”; the scope of these projects/needs may need to be revisited in the future.
Member Reports
Mr. McElroy stated the City of Cape Girardeau’s $82 million Capital Improvement Program (CIP) has been presented to the City Council. The public hearing is scheduled for February 20, 2017 with adoption scheduled for March 6, 2017.
Mr. Bollinger reported that the City of Jackson has signed a contract with Lochmueller Group for the City’s TEAP project. In addition, the City is in the process of hiring a firm to design the realignment of South Old Orchard Road near the former Class Act Gymnastics facility. The City is compiling its maintenance lists for pavement repairs and joint sealing. In addition, the Uptown Historic District Lighting project is ready to be issued for bid.
Mr. Payne stated the Road and Bridge Advisory Group recently met to discuss the road improvements to serve Capital Sand Company. The County is committed to making the improvements as the company is a major revenue generator.
Mr. Christian passed along a recent citizen inquiry received by SEMO RPC. The citizen expressed safety concerns about the road over the culvert on MO-D in Jackson, one thousand feet north of CO RD 450, and requested a guard rail be installed.
Mr. Brandon stated that MoDOT is spending down its cash reserve balance, which has prompted concerns about MoDOT’s ability to match federal funds in the future. He also discussed legislative items currently being discussed in the Missouri General Assembly, such as seatbelt, hands-free/no texting, and motorcycle helmet requirements.
Mr. Jones mentioned that IDOT recently hired a new Transit Planner and a new Bicycle/Pedestrian Planner.
Other Business and Communications
There were no other business and communications.
Upon motion made by Mr. Loy and seconded by Mr. Christian, the Committee voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 12:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kelly Green